Activity 2
Family Colour
This activity provides an opportunity for students to further explore colours to find a colour that they feel represents their family.
Western Australian Curriculum Content
Use of techniques and processes and exploration of art forms.
Australian Curriculum Version 8 Content Descriptions
Use materials, techniques and processes to explore visual conventions when making artworks (ACAVAM111).
A variety of acrylic paint colours, in this example students could choose from warm red, cool red, warm blue, cool blue, yellow, ochre, raw umber, white and black.
A3 paper, paintbrushes, a surface or containers to mix paint in, water pots, aprons, cleaning up equipment.
Review previous activity, discussing basic colour theory, such as the primary colours and their relationship to the secondary colours.
Explain to students that the purpose of the activity is to create a colour they feel represents their family. Discuss how artists use colour to communicate experiences, feelings, ideas and observations in their artworks, and that colour can influence the way we think about things and can send us messages.
Explain, as in Activity 1, that students are to create a colour that represents their family to them.
This colour will be used for the beginning of their artwork.
People have many ways of defining a family; discuss the different definitions of family.
Remind students how to set up their workspace.
Review the paint colours offered for students to use. Discuss these colours using colour theory language such as primary colours (red, yellow, blue), neutral paint such as white and black, etc.
Review the emotional significance of colours, and link to the earlier discussion that the colour chosen is to represent the student's family, or perhaps they could consider a colour that evokes a memory of a family event or moment.
Remind students of ways to mix paint using a paintbrush and a palette to mix on.
Students set up their workspace and explore mixing colours to create their “family colour”.
Before cleaning and packing up, students share with one another which colour was their family colour, and why that specific colour signifies their family to them.
When artwork is dry, students indicate their family colour and write/annotate on their artwork the reason why.
For this documented project, Year 4 students required one 50-minute lesson.
© This lesson plan has been created by Ana Nail and Japingka Gallery.
Educational study use encouraged.
Overview | Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 | Lesson 6 | Lesson 7 | Lesson 8 | Lesson 9 | Lesson 10 | Lesson 11 | Lesson 12 | Lesson 13