Activity 7
This activity uses the leaf stencil to trace and cut out a number of collage leaves in preparation for the bush medicine artwork.
Curriculum content descriptions
Western Australian Curriculum
Artistic processes and techniques to explore visual conventions when making artworks: shape, colour, space and texture.
Australian Curriculum Version 8 Content Descriptions
Use materials, techniques and processes to explore visual conventions when making artworks (ACAVAM111).
Leaf stencil.
Both pre-painted papers.
Lead pencils.
Plastic zip lock bag to store collage leaves.
Review the stencil-making process and the purpose for making the stencils.
Discuss the different types of painted paper students can use to cut from.
Discuss some of the artistic decisions made when deciding where to place the leaf stencil on the paper to trace around. For example, the student may wish the bottom half
of the leaf to be dark and then blend to a lighter colour at the tip of the leaf.
Demonstrate tracing around the leaf stencil.
Model cutting techniques for cutting out the leaf shape.
Remind students to write their name or initials on each cut paper leaf and place it in the zip lock bag.
Recommend that students will need to cut a minimum of 20 leaves for their next activity.
Students trace, cut and initial at least 20 paper leaves.
Teacher Notes
For this example, students cut between 20 and 30 leaves for their collage.
For this documented project, Year 3 students required one to two, 50-minute lessons.
© This lesson plan has been created by Ana Nail and Japingka Gallery. Educational study use encouraged.
Overview | Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 | Lesson 6 | Lesson 7 | Lesson 8 | Lesson 9 | Lesson 10 | Lesson 11