Activity 2
Painting, using the blending technique, to create coloured collage material
This activity creates a painted paper, which will be used later as a collage material. It also provides an opportunity for students to learn/practise the painting technique of blending and applying their colour knowledge.
Curriculum content descriptions
Western Australian Curriculum
Artistic processes and techniques to explore visual conventions when making artworks: shape, colour, space and texture.
Australian Curriculum Version 8
Use materials, techniques and processes to explore visual conventions when making artworks (ACAVAM111).
Acrylic paint – colours appropriate for the leaves from students’ natural environment.
For this example, yellow, green, cobalt blue, dark blue, purple, brown and black were used.
A3 cartridge paper and lead pencils to write name on back of paper. Washing up buckets.
Students’ goal is to paint an A3 piece of paper, using a range of paint colours to blend various tones seen in leaves. This artwork will later be used for a leaf inspired collage.
Demonstrate setting up of workspace – A3 cartridge paper with the student's name on the back, in portrait orientation, on the desk, a caddy with four brushes – one for each student is needed on the desk, aprons on, washing bucket on floor. No water pot is needed for this activity.
Demonstrate painting technique. Start from the top of the page and paint using sideways brushstrokes with a big block of yellow paint – approximately 7cm from the top of the page.
Then, without washing the brush, dip into the light green paint and paint under the yellow another 5 cm approx. This time, after the area has been painted, before the yellow dries, go back to the section where the yellow and green meet, and blend over the two colours to produce a lime green blend.
Continue this process through the paint colours. If there is a space at the end, reintroduce yellow into the black to see what colour is created/blended.
Instruct students to create their blended artwork.
When one or two students have finished, stop the class and instruct them on the clean-up routine once they have finished their artwork.
Teacher Notes
This activity’s intention is to provide an opportunity for students to learn and practice a paint blending technique. It also allows for students to create a range of tones through mixing primary and secondary colours.
For this documented project, Year 3 students required one 50-minute lesson.
© This lesson plan has been created by Ana Nail and Japingka Gallery. Educational study use encouraged.
Overview | Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 | Lesson 6 | Lesson 7 | Lesson 8 | Lesson 9 | Lesson 10 | Lesson 11