Maruku Arts
If you are planning a visit to Uluru, be sure to stop in to Maruku Arts. Their gallery is located at the Uluru visitors centre. Maruku have operated for 35 years across 22 remote communities in the tri-state region of the Ngaanyatjara, Pitjantjatjara & Yankuntjatjara Lands (NPY Lands). Maruku Arts is the only organisation concentrating on punu (wood carving) in the Central and Western Desert area. Maruku, literally means “belonging to black”.
Email: sales@maruku.com.au
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marukuatuluru
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marukuarts/
Meet The Artists: https://marukuartsgallery.com/pages/artists
Country: Australia
Location: Regional Art Centre
Image Citation: Maruku Arts
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