Whitespace Contemporary Art

Whitespace Contemporary Art


Whitespace Contemporary Art, nestled in the vibrant precinct of Ponsonby in Auckland, New Zealand, has been a sanctuary for art lovers since its establishment in 1996. It has built a reputation for presenting an eclectic range of high-quality contemporary art, focusing on fostering emerging talent alongside showcasing established artists.

The gallery prides itself on its commitment to a diverse range of artistic expressions and has been known to exhibit works by Australian Aboriginal artists. These exhibitions often highlight the rich cultural tapestry and the deep spiritual narratives that are intrinsic to Aboriginal art, offering insights into the world’s oldest continuous cultural traditions.

Whitespace’s exhibitions of Australian Aboriginal art serve not just as displays of aesthetic beauty but also as educational platforms. Through these, the gallery promotes a deeper understanding of the complex social and historical contexts that shape the art, celebrating the resilience and creativity of the Aboriginal people.

In bringing Australian Aboriginal art to Auckland, Whitespace Contemporary Art contributes to a global conversation about Indigenous art and culture, reflecting its importance and relevance in contemporary art discourse. The gallery’s engagement with these works underscores its dedication to bridging cultures and championing the rich heritage and evolving identity of Indigenous art within the Pacific region.

Country: New Zealand

Location: Auckland

Image Citation: Whitespace Contemporary Art