Spinifex Artists - On Our Country

Gallery 1

6 November – 21 December 2020


Kungkarungkalpa by Womens Collaborative

Womens Collaborative  |  Kungkarungkalpa

Jap 017679  |  acrylic on linen  |  230 x 200 cm


Kapi Piti Kutju by Noli Rictor

Noli Rictor  |  Kapi Piti Kutju

Jap 017675  |  acrylic on linen  |  200 x 137 cm


Mituna by Lawrence Pennington

Lawrence Pennington  |  Mituna

Jap 017695  |  acrylic on linen  |  137 x 140 cm


Lingka by Simon Hogan

Simon Hogan  |  Lingka

Jap 017682  |  acrylic on linen  |  137 x 110 cm


Purpurnya by Lennard Walker

Lennard Walker  |  Purpurnya

Jap 017772  |  acrylic on linen  |  200 x 137 cm


Kanpala by Myrtle Pennington

Myrtle Pennington  |  Kanpala

Jap 017690  |  acrylic on linen  |  137 x 90 cm


Kupanya by Ian Rictor

Ian Rictor  |  Kupanya

Jap 017699  |  acrylic on linen  |  200 x 137 cm


Lake Baker by Timo Hogan

Timo Hogan  |  Lake Baker

Jap 017771  |  acrylic on linen  |  290 x 200 cm


Kupanya by Fred Grant

Fred Grant  |  Kupanya

Jap 017704  |  acrylic on linen  |  200 x 137 cm

Tjitjiti munu Karka by Kanta Donnegan

Kanta Donnegan  |  Tjitjiti munu Karka

Jap 017697  |  acrylic on linen  |  110 x 85 cm


Kulkapan by Mens Collaborative

Mens Collaborative  |  Kulkapan

Jap 017681  |  acrylic on linen  |  200 x 137 cm


Kanpala by Myrtle Pennington

Myrtle Pennington  |  Kanpala

Jap 017687  |  acrylic on linen  |  110 x 85 cm


Tjanputa by Fred Grant

Fred Grant  |  Tjanputa

Jap 017702  |  acrylic on canvas  |  110 x 85 cm


Wati Kutjara by Ned Grant

Ned Grant  |  Wati Kutjara

Jap 017685  |  acrylic on linen  |  200 x 137 cm


Seven Sisters by Tracey Simms

Tracey Simms  |  Seven Sisters

Jap 017677  |  acrylic on canvas  |  60 x 75 cm


Tuwan by Ian Rictor

Ian Rictor  |  Tuwan

Jap 017701  |  acrylic on linen  |  200 x 137 cm


Lingka by Simon Hogan

Simon Hogan  |  Lingka

Jap 017683  |  acrylic on linen  |  137 x 110 cm


Pukara by Womens Collaborative

Womens Collaborative  |  Pukara

Jap 017680  |  acrylic on linen  |  200 x 137 cm


Kanpala by Myrtle Pennington

Myrtle Pennington  |  Kanpala

Jap 017688  |  acrylic on linen  |  60 x 75 cm


Kungkarangkalpa by Ngalpingka Simms

Ngalpingka Simms  |  Kungkarangkalpa

Jap 017691  |  acrylic on linen  |  200 x 137 cm


Wayiyul by Ngalpingka Simms

Ngalpingka Simms  |  Wayiyul

Jap 017693  |  acrylic on linen  |  110 x 85 cm


Piyul by Tracey Simms

Tracey Simms  |  Piyul

Jap 017676  |  acrylic on canvas  |  95 x 85 cm


Pantapalyanya by Fred Grant

Fred Grant  |  Pantapalyanya

Jap 017703  |  acrylic on linen  |  110 x 85 cm


Kungkarangkalpa by Ngalpingka Simms

Ngalpingka Simms  |  Kungkarangkalpa

Jap 017692  |  acrylic on linen  |  137 x 140 cm


Nyumun by Lawrence Pennington

Lawrence Pennington  |  Nyumun

Jap 017696  |  acrylic on linen  |  110 x 85 cm


Kungkarungkalpa by Womens Collaborative

Womens Collaborative  |  Kungkarungkalpa

Jap 017678  |  acrylic on linen  |  200 x 137 cm


Seven Sisters by Dora Parker

Dora Parker  |  Seven Sisters

Jap 017674  |  acrylic on canvas  |  95 x 85 cm


Unpun by Kanta Donnegan

Kanta Donnegan  |  Unpun

Jap 017698  |  acrylic on linen  |  137 x 110 cm

Katala by Bruce Tjinpun Parker

Bruce Tjinpun Parker  |  Katala

Jap 017668  |  acrylic on canvas  |  95 x 85 cm


Tuwan by Ian Rictor

Ian Rictor  |  Tuwan

Jap 017700  |  acrylic on linen  |  110 x 85 cm


Purpurnya by Lennard Walker

Lennard Walker  |  Purpurnya

Jap 017694  |  acrylic on linen  |  60 x 75 cm


Palpatatjara by Ned Grant

Ned Grant  |  Palpatatjara

Jap 017686  |  acrylic on linen  |  137 x 110 cm


Kanpa by Myrtle Pennington

Myrtle Pennington  |  Kanpa

Jap 017689  |  acrylic on linen  |  60 x 75 cm


Piripi by Maureen Donnegan

Maureen Donnegan  |  Piripi

Jap 017672  |  acrylic on canvas  |  94 x 85 cm


Lingka by Simon Hogan

Simon Hogan  |  Lingka

Jap 017684  |  acrylic on linen  |  60 x 75 cm


Kukatatjara by Willy Tingku

Willy Tingku  |  Kukatatjara

Jap 017670  |  acrylic on canvas  |  110 x 85 cm


Kukatatjara by Willy Tingku

Willy Tingku  |  Kukatatjara

Jap 017671  |  acrylic on canvas  |  110 x 85 cm


Ngura Tjuta by Bruce Tjinpun Parker

Bruce Tjinpun Parker  |  Ngura Tjuta

Jap 017669  |  acrylic on canvas  |  95 x 85 cm


The Spinifex People survived in an arid but beautiful environment, equipped with the necessary skills required for such a life. A spiritual people guided by cultural law were able to exist virtually unchallenged and unchanged until the 1950’s when the British atomic testing began at Emu Fields and later at Maralinga.

These tests directly displaced the Spinifex People and it would be over thirty years before their traditional lands were finally returned to them, and they were able to again access the country that formed them from birth. The landscape holds the culture of the Spinifex People and their daily interactions are governed by the moral compass of the first beings who created the physical realm. With story interwoven in song and dance, the country maps a tangible way forward for the people to reflect and learn upon.

It is this country, this spiritual landscape that defines and permeates the artists’ work. Although abstract in appearance, each artwork holds part history, part ceremony and part country. The artists read the scene from a sense of belonging, of being interwoven into the fabric of the landscape they create. On our Country is a major statement by Spinifex Artists, on view at Japingka Gallery from 6 November to 21 December.