Pike Family



Jila – Ancestral Country by Edgar Pike

Edgar Pike  |  Jila – Ancestral Country

Jap 006088  |  acrylic on canvas  |  96 x 73 cm


Kurriny Piyirnkujarrra by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Kurriny Piyirnkujarrra

Jap 008207  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  65 x 48 cm


Afternoon Light by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Afternoon Light

Jap 008208  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  49 x 42 cm


Jilji and Kurrkuminti by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Jilji and Kurrkuminti

Jap 009473  |  acrylic on board  |  45.5 x 35.5 cm


Jilji Sandhills by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Jilji Sandhills

Jap 009474  |  acrylic on board  |  89 x 59 cm


Warla by Francine Steele

Francine Steele  |  Warla

Jap 006093  |  acrylic on canvas  |  97 x 61 cm


Jarrngajartu Rockhole by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Jarrngajartu Rockhole

Jap 008216  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  50 x 52 cm


Rain Snake by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Rain Snake

Jap 008222  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  62 x 44 cm

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Jila – Ancestral Country by Edgar Pike

Edgar Pike  |  Jila – Ancestral Country

Jap 006098  |  acrylic on canvas  |  103 x 75 cm


Billabong by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Billabong

Jap 010350  |  limited edition lithograph  |  46 x 37 cm


Jila and Jilji by Francine Steele

Francine Steele  |  Jila and Jilji

Jap 006094  |  acrylic on canvas  |  80 x 63 cm


Kalpurtu Water Spirit by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Kalpurtu Water Spirit

Jap 010346  |  limited edition screenprint 4/95  |  76 x 56 cm

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Ngalyawiltirr by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Ngalyawiltirr

Jap 010340  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  39 x 33 cm

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Jila – Ancestral Country by Edgar Pike

Edgar Pike  |  Jila – Ancestral Country

Jap 006087  |  acrylic on canvas  |  101 x 80 cm


Jilji Country by Francine Steele

Francine Steele  |  Jilji Country

Jap 006092  |  acrylic on canvas  |  92 x 58 cm


Jila and Jilji by Edgar Pike

Edgar Pike  |  Jila and Jilji

Jap 006089  |  acrylic on canvas  |  97 x 73 cm


Larripuka I by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Larripuka I

Jap 008218  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  50 x 40 cm


Larripuka Sandhills by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Larripuka Sandhills

Jap 010347  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  63 x 48 cm


Jumu Yirrjirn by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Jumu Yirrjirn

Jap 010345  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  60 x 42 cm

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Pirnini Bindi by Francine Steele

Francine Steele  |  Pirnini Bindi

Jap 006100  |  acrylic on canvas  |  120 x 40 cm


Purnarra – scarf by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Purnarra – scarf

Jap 010335  |  silk scarf  |  160 x 110 cm


Desert Country by Edgar Pike

Edgar Pike  |  Desert Country

Jap 006090  |  acrylic on canvas  |  81 x 69 cm


Jilji Sandhills (Red) by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Jilji Sandhills (Red)

Jap 010337  |  silk scarf  |  110 x 110 cm

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Jilji Sandhills (Green) by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Jilji Sandhills (Green)

Jap 010338  |  silk scarf  |  110 x 110 cm

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Man in the Desert by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Man in the Desert

Jap 008214  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  45 x 35 cm


Two Karnanganyja by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Two Karnanganyja

Jap 010341  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  50 x 33 cm


Body Paintinting – Purnarra by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Body Paintinting – Purnarra

Jap 010342  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  56 x 38 cm


Kartiya Boat by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Kartiya Boat

Jap 010343  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  67 x 49 cm


Father Country by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Father Country

Jap 010344  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  51 x 41 cm


Ancestral Country by Francine Steele

Francine Steele  |  Ancestral Country

Jap 006091  |  acrylic on canvas  |  106 x 76 cm


Larripuka Waru Waru by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Larripuka Waru Waru

Jap 010348  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  36 x 25 cm


Partiri Jiljikurraji by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Partiri Jiljikurraji

Jap 010356  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  60 x 42 cm


Magic Tree by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Magic Tree

Jap 010349  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  23 x 17 cm


Country by Edgar Pike

Edgar Pike  |  Country

Jap 006097  |  acrylic on canvas  |  152 x 73 cm


Larripuka Main Country by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Larripuka Main Country

Jap 008215  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  60 x 51 cm


Jila Japingka by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Jila Japingka

Jap 010351  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  70 x 49 cm


Japingka Country by Jimmy Pike

Jimmy Pike  |  Japingka Country

Jap 008210  |  limited edition silkscreen  |  65 x 45 cm


Warla by Francine Steele

Francine Steele  |  Warla

Jap 006099  |  acrylic on canvas  |  90 x 61 cm


Exhibition: 4 April – 21 May 2014

Jimmy Pike (1940–2002) was a great story teller and illustrator of the traditional lifestyle that he experienced as a young man living with his family in the Great Sandy Desert. During the 1990s Jimmy Pike became a very well known artist, a prolific drawer using multi-coloured felt pens, painter, printmaker, designer for textiles and silk goods. His stories of the desert became everyday items in the wider Australian cities.

This exhibition is the first occasion where the works of three Pike family members – Jimmy Pike, Edgar Pike and Edgar’s daughter Francine Steele – have been shown together.

Read more about the Pike Family

The Pike Family

As a teenager, Jimmy Pike followed most of his countrymen who had begun moving north into the cattle station country of the Fitzroy Valley. They had heard of abundant food and water to be found there, and the desert was steadily being depopulated as the northward migration of families continued.

Japingka Gallery has a 30 year long association with the family of Jimmy Pike, and the gallery was named after a site deep in the Great Sandy Desert that was the main meeting place for Walmajarri people, including Jimmy Pike’s clan, when they all came together. During the dry season the people followed the movements of animal or the flowering of bush plants to find places of greatest food supply. They moved between waterholes in small family groups so as not to over burden the resources. But during the northern cyclone season, the storms would roll into the desert and replenish the waterholes and revive the land.

That was the one time, usually around Christmas time, when there was enough food and water for the people to all be in one place. They came together and managed all social and marital business and carried out ceremonies and rituals. Relatives would meet each other after a year of absence – it was a time of great significance.

In the desert waterholes need to be maintained and land needs to be managed by patchwork burning. As the population dwindled from people leaving the desert, the land itself became less productive, the waterholes were covered over with drifting sand and the larger animals disappeared. The time honoured balance between man and the land was interrupted.

Thirty years after his family left the desert Jimmy Pike began recording his memories in paintings and in books written with his wife Pat Lowe. He painted for about 22 years and his artworks were represented in major collections, both nationally and internationally.

At the time of Jimmy Pike’s passing his brother Edgar Pike had began painting some works at his small community at Ngumpan. Edgar was about 5 or 6 years younger than Jimmy, and said that he remembered fewer stories of his family life in the desert. But the great oral tradition of the desert life was compelling, and the people had begun making journeys back into the old country, revisiting the sacred sites and major waterholes. Edgar Pike’s paintings recorded some of the major sites that his brother had been painting previously.

Edgar Pike’s daughter Francine Steele developed into a skilled artist in her own right and although early in her career, her paintings are distinctive and impressive. Jimmy Pike began his career in Fremantle before Japingka Gallery was formed, when his first drawings and limited edition prints were created there in the early 1980s. The works of Edgar and Francine are now brought together with some of the wider output of Jimmy Pike, including prints and silk scarves.

Read more:


Jimmy Pike – Art of the Great Sandy Desert