Ochre Painters of the Kimberley

Gallery 1

24 February – 22 March 2023


The Eaglehawk and the Crow by Rover Thomas

Rover Thomas  |  The Eaglehawk and the Crow

Jap 020824  |  ochre pigments on linen  |  90 x 61 cm

Kulkunji – Chicken Hawk Dreaming by Jack Britten

Jack Britten  |  Kulkunji – Chicken Hawk Dreaming

Jap 020694  |  ochre on board  |  75 x 38 cm

Kalanganaring – Ord River Country by Jack Britten

Jack Britten  |  Kalanganaring – Ord River Country

Jap 020692  |  ochre on board  |  80 x 70 cm

Lake Tobin by Rover Thomas

Rover Thomas  |  Lake Tobin

Jap 018607  |  lithograph print  |  61 x 43 cm

Palm Vallery, Bungle Bungles by Sade Carrington

Sade Carrington  |  Palm Vallery, Bungle Bungles

Jap 020854  |  ochre on linen   |  90 x 60 cm


Texas Rockhole by Charlene Carrington

Charlene Carrington  |  Texas Rockhole

Jap 011929  |  ochre on linen  |  160 x 70 cm

Myanji by Jack Britten

Jack Britten  |  Myanji

Jap 019539  |  ochre on canvas  |  100 x 90 cm

Gwali-wali Country – Ord River by Jack Britten

Jack Britten  |  Gwali-wali Country – Ord River

Jap 019369  |  ochre on canvas  |  80 x 60 cm

Mulinyari – Lightning by Freddie Timms

Freddie Timms  |  Mulinyari – Lightning

Jap 020700  |  ochre on canvas  |  80 x 60 cm

Old Texas Way by Churchill Cann

Churchill Cann  |  Old Texas Way

Jap 018516  |  ochre on linen  |  120 x 120 cm

Meeruny – Red Ochre Country by Henry Wambini

Henry Wambini  |  Meeruny – Red Ochre Country

Jap 020856  |  ochre on linen   |  100 x 95 cm

Barramundi Dreaming by Shirley Purdie

Shirley Purdie  |  Barramundi Dreaming

Jap 010415  |  silkscreen print  |  57 x 39 cm


Milliwiny Springs – Alice Downs by Jack Britten

Jack Britten  |  Milliwiny Springs – Alice Downs

Jap 018270  |  ochre on canvas  |  110 x 60 cm

Wandjina – Rain Spirit by Lily Karadada

Lily Karadada  |  Wandjina – Rain Spirit

Jap 019537  |  ochre on linen  |  122 x 92 cm

Lightning over Dabaruny Springs by Freddie Timms

Freddie Timms  |  Lightning over Dabaruny Springs

Jap 019538  |  ochre on linen  |  160 x 120 cm


Wandjina – Rain Spirit by Lily Karadada

Lily Karadada  |  Wandjina – Rain Spirit

Jap 020701  |  ochre on linen   |  122 x 50 cm

Jalbooroo Hills by Jack Britten

Jack Britten  |  Jalbooroo Hills

Jap 020695  |  ochre on board  |  100 x 60 cm


Wawalji by Hector Jandany

Hector Jandany  |  Wawalji

Jap 020693  |  ochre on board  |  80 x 60 cm

Bottle Trees by Queenie McKenzie

Queenie McKenzie  |  Bottle Trees

Jap 020905  |  ochre pigments on linen  |  81 x 51 cm


Spring Creek Bridge by Henry Wambini

Henry Wambini  |  Spring Creek Bridge

Jap 019370  |  ochre on linen  |  120 x 90 cm


Loomoogoo – Blue Tongue Dreaming by Jack Britten

Jack Britten  |  Loomoogoo – Blue Tongue Dreaming

Jap 019367  |  ochre on canvas  |  120 x 90 cm


Gawinji Rockhole – Texas Downs by Charlene Carrington

Charlene Carrington  |  Gawinji Rockhole – Texas Downs

Jap 018272  |  ochre on linen  |  120 x 90 cm

Wungul Hills by Tommy Carroll

Tommy Carroll  |  Wungul Hills

Jap 015728  |  ochre on canvas  |  180 x 120 cm


Bloodwood Country by Queenie McKenzie

Queenie McKenzie  |  Bloodwood Country

Jap 020698  |  ochre on board  |  80 x 60 cm


Biganinny Gorge by Freddie Timms

Freddie Timms  |  Biganinny Gorge

Jap 020699  |  ochre on board  |  80 x 60 cm


All Around the Duncan by Jock Mosquito

Jock Mosquito  |  All Around the Duncan

Jap 005662  |  ochre on canvas  |  150 x 120 cm


Mule Creek Waterhole, Bow River by Freddie Timms

Freddie Timms  |  Mule Creek Waterhole, Bow River

Jap 020855  |  ochre on linen   |  150 x 100 cm


Gnarrwalabine – Shining Rock by Shirlie Purdie

Shirlie Purdie  |  Gnarrwalabine – Shining Rock

Jap 018519  |  ochre on canvas  |  80 x 60 cm


Killiwuninj by Jack Britten

Jack Britten  |  Killiwuninj

Jap 020696  |  ochre on board  |  100 x 60 cm


Wandjina Rain Spirit by Lily Karadada

Lily Karadada  |  Wandjina Rain Spirit

Jap 015819  |  ochre on canvas  |  100 x 90 cm


North of Speewah by Tommy Carroll

Tommy Carroll  |  North of Speewah

Jap 000980  |  ochre on canvas  |  125 x 90 cm


Dog Rock – Old Spring Creek Station by Beerbee Mungnari

Beerbee Mungnari  |  Dog Rock – Old Spring Creek Station

Jap 020857  |  ochre on linen   |  240 x 121 cm triptych


Jimbowlbine Hill by Jack Britten

Jack Britten  |  Jimbowlbine Hill

Jap 019540  |  ochre on linen  |  150 x 90 cm


Wandjina – Rain Spirit by Lily Karadada

Lily Karadada  |  Wandjina – Rain Spirit

Jap 020697  |  ochre on board  |  100 x 60 cm


The great names of Kimberley ochre paintings include Jack Britten, Rover Thomas, Queenie McKenzie, Shirley Purdie, Henry Wambini and Hector Jandany. This exhibition focuses on smaller works by these great artists, showcasing the ochre style that so distinctly represents the art of Warmun community. Most of the paintings date from the period of the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Jack Britten records his story about his Country- ‘Tickalara, it is deep in the country in the East Kimberley region. Tickalara, one of the places that Jack ‘footwalked everywhere’ as a boy, hunting with his father.’ Later in life when Jack worked as a stockman, he covered the area on Old Hann Springs cattle station. His pictures show the huge hills, known to him as the joalingi, the translation being ‘hills densely covered with large smooth boulders and spinifex.’ With the numerous rocks for cover, it was always a good place to hunt jiyirriny, the hill kangaroo, or rock wallaby.

The exhibition also includes some limited edition works on paper by the artists and ochre paintings from Kalumburu artist Lily Karadada. Ochre Painters of the Kimberley is on display at Japingka Gallery until 22 March 2023.