Japingka Gallery presents a limited range of paintings available on sale offer, for a limited time.
All works display current prices.
We have hundreds of Aboriginal art works available for sale at reduced prices along with collections of affordable art selected by price category. Paintings on sale include a broad range of artists from Western Desert, Kimberley, Central Desert and Northern Territory. With the large number of artworks in our Stockrooms we often need to clear space for newly arriving art. Paintings on sale are provided with the same documentation and certificate of Provenance as all exhibition artworks from the gallery. Important artists on sale at the time of compiling this collection include Long Jack Phillipus, Walala Tjapaltjarri, Kudditji Kngwarreye, Yinarupa Gibson, Naata Nungurrayi, Gloria Petyarre, Debra Young Nakamarra, Mantua Nangala, Mitjili Napurrula, Walangkura Napanangka and Lily Kelly Napangardi.
Paintings on sale listed on the page titled Great Sandy Desert are from the area near to and west of the Canning Stock Route. The artists work at the Kimberley community of Wangkatjungka and their paintings tell of their ancestral country where their families had lived for millenia, and where most of them grew up as young children. The bold colours and designs are typical of the style from the Fitzroy Crossing region of the Kimberley. Many of these artists have witnessed First Contact experiences, meaning they were present when Aboriginal people saw white settlers for the first time. The paintings record their memories of their desert homelands and often focus on the locations of water resources and bush foods.
Price categories of paintings are grouped to show Artworks under $250, $400, $700 and $1000. You will find about 300 paintings in these categories. Happy viewing!
Please note: most gallery artworks are unstretched and there is a framing cost when artworks are required on a stretcher frame.